Thursday, 25 July 2013


It's been such a long time since I posted a blog, well here it is this is a reference of Jess for saying cats, I totally LOVE cats comment if you agree. So I decided to show this awesome cat video check it out...

I got an activity game that I wanna do which is gonna be totes fun, I'm putting up a poll where I will write down what your favorite animal is and when you answer my poll and comment to this post will get a special shout out by me and all of the cats in the world isn't that awesome! All you need to do is comment and answer my poll which animal is your favorite, make sure you write down what your name is so in the next post I do, I can do a special shout out to that perfect person :)!
Cheers see you all soon

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Going to Nashville TN

Yo YO Yo guys and gals,
On September or November or December or October I'm going to America and what I'm really X-cited about is that I'm going to Nashville TN to :)! (maily for my benefite) For 1 month in America chilling out! one of the main feautures, again mainly for my benefite is... Creative Caffeine Studio... to record my own song!!! YEE!

I already got a pretty good idea about what my first song is going to be about and what my album is going to be named... I know alot of instruments such as guitar, banjo guitar, piano and ukelele.

Friday, 8 March 2013

PIE in the face

Don't you ever feel that you really, really want to PIE someone in the FACE but your not allowed to do it? Well now you can with just whipping cream!!!!! and a tin foil thing that the use in Pie Got A Fly!!!!!!!

Well now you can with just one small surprise and BANG smash the pie in there face!!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy the pie throw but remember with GREAT POWERS come GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Hi people,
This is the actual place I really want to live when I grow up it is...... Nashville TN (which is technically Nashville)!!!!!!!!

So cool!!!!!!!!

Monday, 4 March 2013


I know it's been a long time and all but I'm just been busy with other stuff anyway CHICKENS ARE RELATED TO DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :D :)

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Battle Of the Boy bands

Hello everybody,
This week the main topic is all about the battle of the BOY BANDS!!!!!!!! so I want you guys to vote on my poll if you want that boy band to be noticed on my blog. So vote EM Out

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Make sure you check out my other blog there's some new polls there
Em Outtt